
It is mandatory for companies to obtain licenses/permits from government authorities in Singapore before carry out specific business activities, managing hazardous substances, biological weapons, flammables, poison and etc.

The purpose of the licenses/permits is to aid the understanding of the activities carried out in the nation. Therefore, if there is no valid license/permit issued to the user/owner, the activities would be forbidden.

Types of licensing application advisory services:

  • Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) – Storage of Petroleum and Flammable Materials License
  • National Environmental Agency (NEA) – Toxic Industrial Waste Collector License
  • National Environmental Agency (NEA) – Irradiating Apparatus and Radioactive Materials License (Import, Export, Possession and User License )
  • National Environmental Agency (NEA) – Hazardous Substances License and Permit (Import, Sale, Export, Storage, Use and Transportation Approval)
  • Health Science Authority (HSA) – Poison License (Import, Store, and Wholesale)
  • Health Science Authority (HSA) – Medical Devices (Import, Wholesale and Manufacture for Medical devices)
  • Singapore Police Force (SPF) – Arm and Explosives License (Import, Export, Purchase, Manufacturing, Storage, Possession, Dealing, and Disposal)

Case Study

ABC Agriculture Company has imported a solid pellet fertilizer which is much needed for agriculture purposes for their farms in Singapore. However, the fertilizers were held by the Immigration Checkpoints Authority officers. After clarifying with the authorities, the manifest had declared 29% Ammonium Nitrate in the fertilizer. Unfortunately, the allowable concentration of solid mixture for Ammonium Nitrate is below 28% as referred to the Arms and Explosives Act and beyond that, an Arms and Explosive License is required to be shown.

Therefore, the fertilizer was denied entry to Singapore.

In conclusion:

ABC Agriculture Pte Ltd is required to apply for Arms and Explosive License from Singapore Police Force (SPF) before arranging for the importation of fertilizer in Singapore.

Immigration and Checkpoint Authority has incurred control on behalf of various agencies over the import and export of the following:

  1. Radiation Protection and Nuclear Science Department (RPNSD)
  2. National Authority (Chemical Weapons Convention) [NA(CWC)]
  3. Pollution Control Department (Hazardous Substances)
  4. Pollution Control Department (Ozone Depleting Substances)
  5. Pollution Control Department (Rotterdam Convention – Pesticides and Chemicals)
  6. Singapore Police Force (Arms and Explosives)
  7. Singapore Civil Defense Force (Petroleum and Flammable Material)

What does the consultant do?

Our consultant’s team have vast experience in advising organizations on the legal requirements and provide full assistance to the organization in obtaining relevant permits and licenses.

To successfully obtaining relevant licenses and permit from government authorities, our Consultant will assist and guide you through the process for the applications, following these steps:

Step 1:
Review of Specification of Equipment/ Materials/ Safety Data Sheet (SDS) to advise on which type of license/permit is required in accordance to the legal requirements.

Step 2:
Conduct gap analysis and understand the operation at the site

Step 3:
Gather information and prepare relevant supporting documents for license/permit application.

Step 4:
Support and assist with the submission of license/permit application.


