Registration for:

Fire Warden Training (with Practical)

Date: 12th – 13th Feb 2025, Wed – Thurs

Time: 9am – 5pm

Venue: IFF

  • Accepted file types: xlsx, xls, doc, .
  • Full Name (as per NRIC/FIN/WP) Designation Email Actions
    There are no Entries.

    Maximum number of entries reached.

  • Terms & Condition

  • Confidentiality and Privacy of Personal Data

    ISRC collects information from trainees for administrative and academic purpose. We take security measures to safeguard your personal information. We may share necessary information with Government Agencies, unless such sharing is prohibited by legislation. ISRC will NOT share personal data with non-government entitles, except where such entities have been authorized by yourself. Please refer to our Data Protection Policy for details.

  • Withdrawal & Deferment

    Withdrawal and deferment notice must be made to ISRC Pte Ltd via email
    For withdrawal case, the portion of course fee to be refunded is base on the date of notice as follows :

    • 2 weeks before the commencement of the course – Full refund
    • Less than 2 weeks before commencement of the course – 70% refund
    • On or after date of commencement - No refund

  • Note for Participants

    Course confirmation will be sent out to participants via email 2 weeks before the course commencement date.

    When attending the course, please bring along a copy of the course confirmation notification and NRIC/WP/Passport at all times.

    Trainees are advised to be punctual for the course duration. Late participants may be barred from entering.

  • Lost of Electronic Certificate after completion

    Trainee who has lost their electronic certificate will need to write in to : for replacement and an administrative fees of $20 will be imposed on top of the replacement fees by accreditation body (if any).

  • Equal Opportunity and Disability Discrimination Policy

    ISRC is committed to equal opportunities in the provision of its services as a training provider. The aim of this policy is to ensure all individual or organization with which ISRC has a relationship receive equal treatment regardless of gender, sexual orientation, color, ethnic or national origin, age , marital status family circumstances, socio-economic background, disability and religious or political belief.

  • Declaration

    I affirm that all information given in this registration form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and that I have not deliberately omitted any relevant fact. I understand any false or misleading declaration shall make me liable for disqualification, or if already admitted, for expulsion from the program without any refund of fees paid. I have understood all the terms and conditions. I agree to comply and abide by the decision of ISRC Pte Ltd concerning this application.