SS 651:2019 Safety and Health Management System for the Chemical Industry
SS 651:2019 Safety and Health Management System for the Chemical Industry
Approved and published on 12 November 2019 by the Chemical Standards Committee (CSC) under the perview of the Singapore Standards Council.
SS 651:2019 Safety and Health Management System for the Chemical Industry is mainly developed for the chemical industry to address both occupational safety and health management system requirements and process safety management system requirements.
SS 651:2019 is a modified adoption of ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System which is in accordance with the national requirements and to provide the needs to the local industry. For organizations that are certified with SS 651:2019 would therefore meet the requirements of ISO 45001.
Is SS 651 replacing the SS 503 Part 3?
(Difference between SS 651 and SS 503 Part 3)
(Difference between SS 651 and SS 503 Part 3)
SS 651:2019 is the newly developed Singapore Standards for Safety and Health (S&H) for chemical industry and reference from ISO 45001:2018. SS 506: Part 3: 2009 was formerly used as the Singapore Standards for Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) which was derived from the former benchmarked OHSAS 18001. With the new and improved SS 651:2019, the organizations will required to revise their current thinking, process and safe work practices in order to maintain organizational compliance.
While the overall goal of the two standards remain the same, the changes between SS 651:2019 and SS 506: Part 3: 2009 includes:
Term and definitions
Definitions from SS506 Part 3: 2009 are added after the list of definitions from ISO 45001 and replacement of all “Occupational Health & Safety” with “Safety and Health” in the S&H Management system.
Context of the Organization
This is a new requirement for the SS 651 previously not in SS 506, as the organization would have to determine the internal and external contexts which would affects the organization’s S&H Management system. The context of every organization involving all the interested parties would have to be determine, discussed, assessed and monitored by various means.
Leadership and worker participation
Both SS 651 and SS 506 have similar requirements for leadership and participation. However, Top Management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment to the S&H management system in SS 651. Decision making shall also involved consultation and participation of workers in the process safety incidents.
Definitions from SS506 Part 3: 2009 are added after the list of definitions from ISO 45001 and replacement of all “Occupational Health & Safety” with “Safety and Health” in the S&H Management system.
This is a new requirement for the SS 651 previously not in SS 506, as the organization would have to determine the internal and external contexts which would affects the organization’s S&H Management system. The context of every organization involving all the interested parties would have to be determine, discussed, assessed and monitored by various means.
Both SS 651 and SS 506 have similar requirements for leadership and participation. However, Top Management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment to the S&H management system in SS 651. Decision making shall also involved consultation and participation of workers in the process safety incidents.
Risk and Opportunities
This is a new requirement stated in the SS 651 as previously not required in SS 506. With regards to developing and planning the S&H Management System, the risk and opportunities (include the process safety information) have to be identified within the organization.
SS 651 have included eliminating hazards and reducing S&H risks and to consider the procurement requirements related to S&H in the S&H management system.
Preventive Actions
SS 506 still retains both the corrective and preventive actions however the preventive actions have been removed from the SS 651. The preventive actions have been factored in the risk management process during the assessment of the risk and opportunities.
This is a new requirement stated in the SS 651 as previously not required in SS 506. With regards to developing and planning the S&H Management System, the risk and opportunities (include the process safety information) have to be identified within the organization.
SS 651 have included eliminating hazards and reducing S&H risks and to consider the procurement requirements related to S&H in the S&H management system.
SS 506 still retains both the corrective and preventive actions however the preventive actions have been removed from the SS 651. The preventive actions have been factored in the risk management process during the assessment of the risk and opportunities.
Process Approach

Why is SS 651 certification important?
The SS 651: 2019 certification is an integrated Safety & Health (S&H) management system of ISO 45001 and SS 506: Part 3 Process Safety Elements. The establishment of Safety & Health (S&H) management system will helps companies from chemical industry to eliminate hazards, minimize risk and improve their S&H performance.
SS 651:2019 Certification Process

Training for SS 651
- SS 651:2019 Awareness Training
- SS 651:2019 Awareness Training
- SS 651:2019 Development and Implementation Training
- SS 651:2019 Development and Implementation Training
- SS 651: 2019 Internal Auditor Training
- SS 651: 2019 Internal Auditor Training
What does an ISO consultant do?
Choosing consultants with the right qualifications and skill sets is important to meet the SS 651:2019 requirements.
Our consultants’ team have proven experience in developing, supporting, and implementing the SS 651:2019 Management System to various organization from chemical industry/sector.
As a SS 651:2019 Consultant in Singapore, we will provide an Safety & Health (S&H) Management System that provides, reduction in workplace accidents, legal compliance, improvement in managing the safety work process, and also helps your business to become a safer place to work in.
To attain the SS651 certification our consultant will be doing the following:
Step 1:
Site visit to understand your business operations and key hazards, risks and opportunities for each operational process.
Site visit to understand your business operations and key hazards, risks and opportunities for each operational process.
Step 2:
Site consultation & training for development of staff capability on the SS 651:2019 and the relevant requirements.
Site consultation & training for development of staff capability on the SS 651:2019 and the relevant requirements.
Step 3:
Using risk and opportunity-based approach, to write procedures for both office and site operation work process.
Using risk and opportunity-based approach, to write procedures for both office and site operation work process.
Step 4:
Conduct a joint site walk to identify any new hazards or to implement mitigating control measures for any existing risk.
Conduct a joint site walk to identify any new hazards or to implement mitigating control measures for any existing risk.
Step 5:
Advise on key performance indicators and analysis to improve the Safety and Health Management System (SHMS).
Advise on key performance indicators and analysis to improve the Safety and Health Management System (SHMS).
Step 6:
Support respective departments on their implementation of the Safety and Health Management System (SHMS).
Support respective departments on their implementation of the Safety and Health Management System (SHMS).
Step 7:
Conduct pre-certification internal audit to verify readiness of your organization for certification.
Conduct pre-certification internal audit to verify readiness of your organization for certification.
Step 8:
Assist in providing guidance on the conduct of Management Review.
Assist in providing guidance on the conduct of Management Review.
Step 9:
Support during certification and post-certification to close-up any audit findings to ensure smooth and successful certification.
Support during certification and post-certification to close-up any audit findings to ensure smooth and successful certification.