Registration for: bizSAFE Level 2 (UOL)


03-04 Oct 2024, Thur-Fri, 9am-6pm /

28-29 Oct 2024, Mon-Tues, 9am-6pm

Training Venue: ISRC Training Room

  • Absence and Withdrawals

    If you have flu-like symptoms or are not feeling well, please do not attend the training and immediately notify Mr Hong Jie as well as ISRC by replying to the Course Confirmation Email.
  • (UEN No must be tied with the respective personnel's CPF Contribution - due to grant)
  • HR dept or the person registering on behalf of the participant/s OR Who should we attention the invoice to
  • Due to PDPA, if you would like to set a password, please ensure to notify of the password. Thank you
  • 条款和条件

  • 个人数据的一般保密和隐私

    ISRC 收集学员的信息用于行政和学术目的。我们采取安全措施保护您的个人信息。我们可能会与政府机构共享必要的信息,除非法律禁止共享。伊斯蘭研究中心不會與非政府機構分享個人資料,除非該等機構已獲閣下授權。 详情请参阅我们的数据保护政策。 向新加坡技能未来(SkillsFuture Singapore)提交个人数据的要求可参见 此处

  • Re-Course

    Each participant will have to attend an Assessment on the last day of the course. If they do not meet the Competency passing mark, they will need to reattend the course on another date.

  • Withdrawal & Deferment

    Course withdrawal notice must be made to ISRC at least 2 weeks prior to the commencement of the course.

    For withdrawal made less than 2 weeks prior to commencement, an administrative fee of 30% of full course fee will be chargeable.

    100% Full course fee will be chargeable for withdrawal made on or after course commencement.

    *All administrative fee will be subjected to GST

  • Note for Participants

    Course confirmation will be sent out to participants via email 2 weeks before the course commencement date.

    Trainees are advised to be punctual for the course duration. Late participants may be barred from entering or taking the examination/assessment.

    If trainee is found cheating, trainee will be barred from the examination/assessment and ISRC will reserve the rights to take necessary actions.

  • Electronic Certificate after completion

    You may download your e-certificate from SSG portal 15 days after the course

    For Singapore Citizens or PRs
    Download it from this link or scan the QR code

    For Foreigners Download it from this link
    Key in ISRC UEN - 201001978G (if required)
  • 平等机会和残疾歧视政策

    作为一家培训机构,ISRC 致力于在提供服务时实现机会平等。该政策旨在确保所有与 ISRC 有合作关系的个人或组织都能获得平等待遇,无论其性别、性取向、肤色、种族或民族血统、年龄、婚姻状况、家庭环境、社会经济背景、残疾以及宗教或政治信仰如何。

  • 反馈意见


  • 声明

    本人确认,就本人所知,本报名表中提供的所有信息均真实准确,且本人没有故意遗漏任何相关事实。我明白,任何虚假或误导性的声明都将导致我被取消资格,如果已经被录取,则将被开除,且不退还任何已缴费用。我已理解所有条款和条件。我同意遵守并服从 ISRC Pte Ltd 有关此申请的决定。