Risk Management Awareness Course

Risk Management Awareness Course

[Subject to GST]

0.5 Day



Attendees for this course shall be appointed Risk Management (RM) / Risk Assessment (RA) Team Member.

This course will provide applicant with the hands-on skill and technique to conduct risk assessment. This course is important for risk assessment team members in order to grasp the concept of developing risk assessment for the company. The course would also outline the needs and coverage for SGSecure content.

Downloadable Resources

Course Content

  • Workplace injury data statistics
  • bizSAFE Program
  • Accident case studies
  • Overview of the Workplace Safety and Health Act & Subsidiary Legislation
  • Code of Practice on WSH Risk Management Second Revision:2021
  • Appointment and Function of RM / RA Team
  • Establish Hazard Identification Methodology
  • Establish Risk Assessment Methodology
  • Establish Risk Control Measures Methodology
  • Safe Work Procedure
  • Communication and Record Keeping
  • SG Secure Guide and Programme for workplaces

Method of Study

Online Webinar-based training with interactive activities.

Participant MUST ensure the availability of PC/Tablet and uninterrupted accessibility to WiFi to attend the Webinar.

Certification and Assessment

Certification will be issued to participants who attend the course.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to

  • Understand the injuries/fatality trends in Singapore
  • Understand the relevant legal requirements (WSH Act & Subsidiary Legislation) and it’s intended application
  • Understand the roles and function of being a RA/RM Team Member
  • Learn the fundamentals of creating the Risk Assessment
  • Practice and apply the hazard identification skills and control measures techniques in the creation of risk assessment
  • Understand and implement the hierarchy of controls to mitigate hazards and risk
  • Communication of hazards, risk and control measures within the organization
  • Understand the importance of record keeping in accordance with legal requirement
  • Understand and adhere to SG Secure Programme

Need Any Assistance?

For more specific information on the course details and schedule, do get in touch with us. We are also able to customise a course for your company.