Workplace Safety & Health (WSH) Committee Course

[Subject to GST]

2 Days



Appointed workplace safety committee member

This course will provide participants with the knowledge on Workplace Safety & Health Act and its subsidiary legislation especially WSH (Workplace Safety & Health Committee) Regulations , roles and duties to play as an appointed workplace safety and health committee member. They will also understand the role in consultation with workforce on safety as well as promoting and developing a Safety Culture for the organization.

Downloadable Resources

Course Content

  • Overview of the Workplace Safety and Health Act, subsidiary regulations
  • Overview of WSH ( Workplace Safety & Health Committee) Regulations
  • Executing the roles and function of WSH Committee
  • Workplace Inspection
  • Incident Investigation
  • Incident Reporting
  • Work Injury Compensation
  • Risk Management System
  • Fire and chemical safety
  • Awareness of first aid provision

Method of Study

Classroom training with group/individual exercises

Assessment & Certification

Certification will be issued to participant who attend the course and successfully complete the assessments.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to

  • Understand the Workplace Safety & Health (WSH) Act and its subsidiary regulations
  • Empower the members of the Committee to understand their roles, responsibilities and function
  • Enable the Committee to carry out unaided workplace inspection and effective incident investigation
  • Provide knowledge of Work Injury Compensation
  • Enhancing the ability to manage workplace risk and emergency situation
  • Provide knowledge on requirements on fire safety and chemical hazards control
  • Able to advise on the first aid provision at workplace

Need Any Assistance?

For more specific information on the course details and schedule, do get in touch with us. We are also able to customise a course for your company.